Hey everybody! Jody Ann Johnson, People Champion and Strategists with the 101th “Coffee with Jody” episode. Today we’re going to be talking about burnout and how you as a business leader can begin to eliminate, or at the very least decrease burnout at your organization.
Burnout, most employees think it’s just a part of the job. It’s, you know, kind of the way that it is. And there’s a lot that goes into the progression of burnout from long hours, lack of being able to have the resources needed to do their job well, to not so great managers or not being able to grow in a position. Today I want to talk about what you, as a leader, can do to address this.
The Gallup organization has found that 67% of people report they are burnt-out and are also looking at what other opportunities may be available for them. I’ve spoken a bit about the disconnect between the number of jobs available and the number of people out of work and what is being called the great reckoning with corporate America.
People are going in to see what salaries they ought to be making on Glassdoor, salary.com and PayScale. They’re also considering and questioning “I need better life balance than I’ve had in this particular role. And so I’m going to see just what’s out there.” And if a better opportunity comes along they’re probably going to take it.
As a matter of fact, I was doing a recruitment the other night and a young lady, very capable, has been at the company that she’s at for 20 years. She’s been taking on more and more responsibilities within the company, yet hasn’t had a raise in seven years. She said she was being yelled at when things go wrong, even though she’s pretty much 24/7, working 12 hour shifts, five to six days a week and answering calls at night. And we’re like, “WOW!” This is not a high salary position, but as a business owner, he’s not in tune with what’s really actually going on, on the floor with his team members.
So as business leaders, we have the ability to actually interrupt this, and with the way the world is moving it behooves us to be willing take this issue of burnout on. Now, in order to do that, we have to address the true causes of burnout. And you won’t just know because it’s not a blanket universal thing, unless you actually sit down and talk with your employees about what’s going on with them personally.
According to the Gallup organization the reason people follow a leader is they trust the leader, they experience that the leader has compassion for them as an individual, as a human being, that the leader is creating stability and that that person has hoped for a better day, both for the company and for themselves. As leaders if we continually bring forth these 4 aspects we’ll go a long way toward creating the relationship with our employees that can minimize burnout.
We’re going to be going more deeply into the things that you can do about burnout and preventing, or at least eliminating some of the burnout in your organization. This is important because people that are running low on high-performance fuel, make poor decisions, get sick more frequently, make more mistakes. You’ve heard the litany of all the things that can go wrong when people are actually operating on exhaustion and fumes.
So let’s take this on and find out how we can make it better for the people who work for us, because they’re the source of our ability to have the scope of impact we have in the world, in our own lives and the communities that we live in.
So with that, if you enjoyed this video, please like it, share it and subscribe to my YouTube channel.
And if you’d like to find out more about what you can do to diminish burnout in your workplace, schedule a discovery meeting with me on the calendar link below.
That’s it for today. Bye for now.