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What is an Avatar & Why Your Marketing Needs One

June 10, 20213 min read

Wondering why your online marketing isn’t working like you think it should? Hello everyone, I’m Doug Barra, and I’ve been working with entrepreneurs for 15 years to expand what’s possible for them and their businesses. Since the pandemic shutdowns forced us to move more online, we’ve been learning about making online marketing as successful as possible.

In our work, we have seen that making your marketing more successful is not just about creating content or investing lots of cash. The quality and type of content you put out can end up having a huge impact on how well people respond when you make an offer. It might sound kind of cheesy, but sometimes small things can make all the difference regarding whether or not someone chooses to buy something from you or even download a free resource.

Ideally, whoever sees your content should be able to see themselves in that content. That means building an avatar for them to know as much about them as you can so that your messaging can speak directly to their pain, wants, and desires. An avatar is basically a representation of the people who do see your content.

Whether you’re marketing to individuals or businesses, you must create these avatars and they represent all the different types of personas that could be interested in what you have to offer. This might sound like a lot of work, but if done right, this can give us insight into our customer’s needs and how best we should market to them both online and offline. This is the first step to marketing your small business or local business online.

It’s also a great way to make sure you’re not just reaching out into thin air with no clear idea of who it is that wants what you have. The more detailed and specific we can be about these avatars, the better our campaigns will work in terms of being effective for customers, as well as measurable by us.

An avatar doesn’t need to be complicated. They are basically different types of people that might find value in what we offer. You will look to create an avatar for each particular target market that you want to focus your marketing on. Just make sure that your message in any given marketing piece speaks to just one avatar. Otherwise, your message will not have the impact it needs to.

I want to make sure that you can build your business successfully, so I have created The Insider’s Guide To Success In Business. This free resource gives you a clear checklist to put your business on a solid foundation for growth. Plus allows you to see where you are and where you need to go.

Click on the link below this video to download your FREE GUIDE now, or go to www.insidersguidetosuccessinbusiness.com. I’m committed to expanding what’s possible for business owners and want to know if this video has helped you do that.

Please leave me a comment. I look forward to reading what you have to say. Be sure to like this video so that others can see that you got value and subscribe to our channel and click the bell to get all notifications so that you don’t miss a single one of our videos.

Remember, I’m Doug Barra, and now it’s your turn. Click the link, download your FREE GUIDE, take your business to the next level. And I’ll see you in the next video.

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Doug Barra

Hi, I'm Doug Barra. I've been working with the owners of small and medium sized businesses for 18 years to take their businesses to the next level. I am committed to seeing business owners thrive.

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