Hello, everybody! Jody Ann Johnson here with the 93rd episode of “Coffee with Jody”. I am a People Champion and Strategist and today I’m talking with you about the month of July; Picnics, Engagement, Celebrating Our Employees and our Oceans.
Picture this, you’re outside, it’s a barbecue, maybe you’ve got a Spanish mackerel on the grill, or maybe you have hamburgers and hot dogs, but you’re outside celebrating with family, celebrating with your team members from your office, maybe your clients. Oh what fun.
Picnic is a French word that emerged back in the 1800s with Al Fresco dining; a bottle of wine, a loaf of bread, some cheese and some fruit, it was a meal. Here in America, we’ve taken picnics to a whole other level. Enjoying the outdoors is a really good way to get some sunshine and vitamin D and to be in fresh air; A lot of us were missing that during the Pandemic.
Now with the rise in Delta variants, and COVID numbers back up again, please be sure to wear your masks indoors. And if you’ve been vaccinated, it’s probably okay to be outdoors without your mask, but nevertheless, please be careful.
July is also the onset of National Fishing Month, beginning July the 24th and going through the 30th of August. That’s important to me because that’s what my son does. He’s a big game fisherman. He’s out at a Marlin tournament right now, then on his way to Maryland for a white Marlin tournament. He has loved the sea since he was a small child and me too. Being born here in Miami, the ocean and Biscayne Bay are a really big part of our life here. As you know our oceans are at risk. From pollution, chemicals, oil spills, all manner of man-made injury to the oceans; however, we also found that when people were not out so much during COVID, our oceans got healthier, our bays got healthier, and our lakes got healthier. So there’s a lot that we can still do to positively impact our seas.
This particular Issue is grounded in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal, #14; Life Below The Sea. If you go to the UN Sustainable Development site, you can find a number of different ways that people are working to get our oceans healthier, which is a lifeblood of all of humanity, all of our oxygen, our water supplies are all related to the seas. So it’s a very important UN Sustainable Development Goal for 2030. And it’s also a source of great joy and fun.
As we look at the month of July around Independence and Freedom, as I’ve said in previous videos, with Freedom and Independence, comes a great deal of responsibility. We, as business leaders can take that charge, can really make a difference, whether it’s for our team members and celebrating them and really engaging them in the business; with our clients and in our purpose, while also making our communities more sustainable.
I hope you’ll join me and the people on our team in finding ways to increase the sustainability in and around your office, in and around your life and in and around your community. Enjoy the remaining days of July. And we’ll see you next month in August for more on engagement and a very special issue on rescue dogs.
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